Services & Rates

Here is a list of the services I provide. If you have any questions or if none of these fit your needs; please feel free to head over to the contact page and fill out the form and I will reach out to you as soon as I can.

Dog Walking

I will come to your home and grab your pup for a stroll around the neighborhood!
I will send a text afterward with details from the walk and pictures from the visit.

20 minutes - $25.00
30 minutes - $35.00
40 minutes - $45.00
50 minutes - $50.00

An extra $5.00 per additional pet.

Drop in visits

Going away for a few days and Kitty needs to be taken care of? Worried that the plants will perish without loving and tender care? Fido needs a relief break while you're at work? Want someone to turn on the lights to make it look like someone is home? This is the service for you!
I will come in to clean the litter pans, provide food, clean water bowls, water plants and anything else while you are away. This service is available for visits up to three times a day.

$30.00 per visit, an extra $5.00 per additional pet.

Max 3 visits a day.


Going away and your pup has anxiety? Want to make sure they have someone during the night in case of an emergency? I'm here to help! I will come to your home while you are away and stay with your fur babies, providing them with the love and care that I provide my own critters.

$90.00 per night, plus $10.00 per additional pet.

Pet Taxi

Little Fluffy needs to visit the groomer but can't get time off work? Something came up and Fido needs the vet asap? You need to work late and Rover is stuck at Doggie Daycare?
I can provide pet transport to and from appointments for your critters. 

$30.00 Per drop off and pick up.

An extra $5.00 per additional pet.

Puppy Services

Got a new member in the family? I can provide more drop in visits during the day for an adjustied price. I can also provide basic training and fun, play time to make sure the little guy sleeps through the night!

Contact for pricing.